Joe Lawrence
Many people have seen advertisements for dental implants, but they may not know much about these tooth-replacement devices. Here is a bit of information about dental implants to help you better understand them:
Is the placement of dental implants painful?
Dental implant restorations are performed in an outpatient setting, and they are not generally painful. During the procedure, the dentist uses local anesthetic medications to numb the area in which the dental implant will be inserted.
Can you return to your regular diet immediately after a dental implant is placed?
Immediately after a dental implant restoration, your dentist may ask you to consume only soft foods. This helps to ensure that the implant has healed sufficiently before a large amount of bite pressure is experienced.
During an implant restoration, the dental implant, which is a metal screw or rod, is drilled into the bone of the jaw. There, it integrates over time with the jawbone through a fusion process called osseointegration, which takes several months. Once osseointegration is complete, the implant can withstand the same amount of bite pressure as a natural tooth.
Can a dental implant be used to replace multiple teeth?
A dental implant is often used for single-tooth restorations, but multiple implants can be placed if multiple teeth are missing from the mouth. In addition, dental implants can be used as supports for other teeth-replacement devices, such as dentures and dental bridges.
What are some of the reasons that a dental implant fails?
A dental implant can fail for a number of reasons. Here are a few of them:
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease in advanced stages is associated with a higher rate of dental implant failure because the inflamed soft tissues of the mouth may not heal properly around the dental implant.
Smoking can also affect the healing of a dental implant wound. The oral tissues of a smoker receive less oxygen. In addition, the tobacco can cause the mouth to be inflamed. This inflammation can delay healing time and give the implant more chances to become dislodged or fail. Smokers may also be more susceptible to wound infection.
People who grind their teeth regularly may experience implant failure because of the extreme pressure placed on the device. If the implant is pushed from position by the grinding, it will fail.
To learn more about dental implants, schedule a consultation with an implant dentist at a location like Tijeras Dental Service.
Caring for an elderly parent tends to be tough enough without the added stress of dealing with dental implants or dentures. But, the prospect is not the end of the world—there are many things you can do to ensure that your parent's dental health is not compromised without having to spend a lot of personal time doing the care yourself. Between working with the right dentist, hiring a service provider for part time work, and giving your parent the tools he or she needs to care for his or her own dental health at home, you'll find that dental health for your loved one isn't so tough or time consuming after all. Hopefully you are able to get the support and information you need right here.