Caring for an Elderly Parent With Special Dental Needs

Caring for an Elderly Parent With Special Dental Needs

Preventing Trouble With Your Gums

Joe Lawrence

Even if you've got sterling white teeth and a smile that dazzles, you could still have a problem with your gums. Often overlooked, your gums are essential; if you develop gingivitis or more chronic periodontal disease, you could end up losing some of your teeth. To prevent trouble with your gums, make use of these suggestions.

Make Appropriate Changes to Your Life

One thing to understand about gum disease is that even a good oral regimen may not prevent it. You could be doing a lot of things in your life that could cause and aggravate the situation. For example, smoking is a behavior that is not only bad for you generally; there is some evidence that it can worsen gum disease and make it more difficult for you to heal if you've already got it. Take steps to stop using cigarettes so that your gums and indeed your entire body can be healthier.

It is also vital that you examine your daily diet to see if you're not getting the vitamin C and other nutrients that you need in order to support oral health. If your diet is made of fast food, cookies, snacks, sugary drinks and other nutrient-poor items, not only will your gums not get the help they need to remain healthy, but you could be actively contributing to the large amounts of plaque and bacteria that your gums need to fight off.

Know and Notice Signs

Gum disease is unlikely to cause pain in many cases. However, there are some signals that you're having periodontal problems. Some of those would be:

  • Bleeding, especially during brushing
  • Red instead of pink appearance
  • Loose teeth
  • Receding or suspicion that gums are receding

Being aware of how your mouth has changed can help you to get help for gum disease because your dentist can diagnose it early on and stop it from progressing.

Use Therapeutic Mouthwash

A simple way to keep your mouth clean and free from bacteria is to use a therapeutic mouthwash. The American Dental Association encourages the use of these mouthwashes because they may control and reduce gingivitis and plaque that can make for additional gum issues. To get a suitable mouthwash, you'll have to consult your dentist about which is the best; you may also need a prescription.

Your dentist is the best person to talk with you about more ways to protect and preserve your gums. Ensure that you're having regular dental visits to know how healthy your gums are. Places like New England Dental Specialists of Norwood will help.


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Caring for an Elderly Parent With Special Dental Needs

Caring for an elderly parent tends to be tough enough without the added stress of dealing with dental implants or dentures. But, the prospect is not the end of the world—there are many things you can do to ensure that your parent's dental health is not compromised without having to spend a lot of personal time doing the care yourself. Between working with the right dentist, hiring a service provider for part time work, and giving your parent the tools he or she needs to care for his or her own dental health at home, you'll find that dental health for your loved one isn't so tough or time consuming after all. Hopefully you are able to get the support and information you need right here.
